Reaching the Path of the Gods has never been easier!

Departing daily from Salerno, and the other towns along the Amalfi Coast, hikers can more easily reach the beautiful Path of the Gods, thanks to a new service from Travelmar fast ferries. After a panoramic ferry ride, a comfortable shuttle bus awaits in Amalfi that will take you to Piazza Capasso, in Bomerano, (near the hotel Gentile) which is a step away from the narrow path that is the starting point of one of the most famous and stunning hiking trails of the world.

how to reach Path of Gods with ferry service

Departures from Salerno

SalernoArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
08:4009:1509:30*10:00€ 16,00 + 1,50 tax
09:4010:1511:00*11:40€ 16,00 + 1,50 tax
15:3016:0516:30*17:06€ 16,00 + 1,50 tax
16:4017:4018:00*18:36€ 16,00 + 1,50 tax
18:0019:0019:30**20:06€ 16,00 + 1,50 tax

*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Departures from Positano 

PositanoArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
10:00*10:3011:00*11:40€ 16,00
15:3016:1016:30*17:06€ 16,00
17:0017:3018:00*18:36€ 16,00
18:3018:5519:30**20:06€ 16,00

from Positano connection by sea to Minori, Maiori, Cetara, and Salerno
*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Departures from Minori

MinoriArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
08:3508:4509:30*10:00€ 11,00
09:5510:0511:00*11:40€ 11,00
15:5516:1016:30*17:06€ 11,00
17:3017:4018:00*18:36€ 11,00
18:5019:0019:30**20:06€ 11,00

*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Departures from Maiori

MaioriArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
08:2508:459:30*10:00€ 11,00
09:4510:0511:00*11:40€ 11,00
15:4516:1016:30*17:06€ 11,00
17:2017:4018:00*18:36€ 11,00
18:4019:0019:30**20:06€ 11,00

*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Departures from Cetara

CetaraArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
09:2010:0511:00*11:40€ 14,00
15:2016:1016:30*17:06€ 14,00
17:0017:4018:00*18:36€ 14,00
18:2019:0019:30**20:06€ 14,00

*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Departures from Vietri Sul Mare 

Vietri Sul MareArrival in AmalfiShuttle DepartureArrival in AgerolaPrice
09:1010:1011:00*11:36€ 14,00
15:1016:0016:30*17:06€ 14,00
16:5017:4018:00*18:36€ 14,00
18:1019:0019:30**20:06€ 14,00

*arrival to Bomerano
**arrival to San Lazzaro

Shuttle timetable from Agerola to Amalfi

Bus stopDepartureDeparture
San Lazzaro (p.zza Avitabile)8:15---
Campora (p.zza XXIV Maggio)8:20---
Pianillo (p.zza)8:25---
Bomerano (p.zza)8:3010:20
Bomerano (via P.di Piemonte)8:3210:22
Bomerano (hotel Due Torri)8:3510:25
Bomerano (hotel Le Rocce)8:4010:27
Furore (Mola)8:4810:38
Conca de Marini (Monastero)8:5510:45
Arrivo ad Amalfi9:1511:00